A group of seven happy looking San people.

Why Southern African Communities Must Climb the Conservation Governance Ladder

Why Southern African Communities Must Climb the Conservation Governance Ladder A ground-breaking global review of Indigenous peoples and local communities engaged in conservation reveals that more equitable community-led governance systems lead to better conservation and social outcomes. Increasing the level of engagement and decision-making power held by communities can therefore positively...
Five people standing in front of various displays about KAZA.

Statement from the Community Leaders Network and Resource Africa Following KAZA Summit 2024

Statement from the Community Leaders Network and Resource Africa Following KAZA Summit 2024 The Community Leaders Network and Resource Africa recently attended the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA) Summit held in Livingstone, Zambia.  During the summit, presenters unanimously noted the glaring absence of local communities. A more befitting gesture would have been to at...
Fifty or more buffalo crowd the shore of a small waterhole.

Mozambique study: Rules about wildlife are more important than benefits from wildlife

Mozambique study: Rules about wildlife are more important than benefits from wildlife Human-wildlife conflict is often seen as a balancing act between the costs and benefits of living with wildlife. According to this thinking, if people lose more livestock or crops than the money they receive from wildlife-based industries (e.g. tourism and/or hunting), then they are unlikely to tolerate or want...
A woman and child in a wooden boat in a river channel.

Towards fair deals for communities engaged in the wildlife economy and conservation finance

.stk-10e45c0{max-width:100% !important;padding-top:0px !important;padding-right:0px !important;padding-bottom:0px !important;padding-left:0px !important} Towards fair deals for communities engaged in the wildlife economy and conservation finance The global problems of biodiversity loss and climate change have triggered investment and financial commitments from the private and public sectors, but...
A man and a woman sit side by side in the National Assembly building. ©Assemblée nationale, France

Proposed French hunting import and export ban defeated, for now

Proposed French hunting import and export ban defeated, for now On 21 November, Sandra Regol (New Ecological and Social People's Union MP) and Corinne Vignon (Renaissance Party MP) tabled a bill aimed at banning the import and export of hunting trophies of all species listed under CITES, as well as all forms of publicity surrounding these activities, i.e. a total ban. This populist proposal is...
Fishing boats putting out from a shore.

Expanding knowledge horizons in community conservation

Expanding knowledge horizons in community conservation Collecting, collating and analysing data for the purposes of adaptive management and transparent reporting to external stakeholders is one of the hallmarks of community-based natural resource management (CBNRM). Namibia’s CBNRM programme has led the way in this regard through the Event Book system, but several other countries are...
A sign on the ground outside a conference centre reads #apac2022.

Addressing power imbalances in community conservation

Addressing power imbalances in community conservation One of the most challenging aspects of community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) is walking the tightrope between the many stakeholders involved in these programmes. The difficulties experienced in community conservation can often be traced back to power imbalances, both within communities and between them and the government, civil...

The European Union’s Action Plan Against Wildlife Trafficking is being Undermined by Populist Anti-hunting Campaigns

The European Union’s Action Plan Against Wildlife Trafficking is being Undermined by Populist Anti-hunting Campaigns By Resource Africa When it comes to wildlife trade legislation and policy, it seems that the MemberStates of the European Union (EU) do not align with the EU itself. Meanwhile, theEuropean Parliament appears to be unhappy with the European Commission beingguided by science and...

Linking Human Rights Movements to Community Conservation

Linking Human Rights Movements to Community Conservation By Resource Africa In this third article based on the recent Community Conservation Horizon Scan, welook at how rural communities can use the growing recognition of the rights ofIndigenous peoples and local communities to promote their role in environmentalconservation. The concept of Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM)...
Hunting Trophies Bill report cover

Policy Brief: The Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill

Risks to Conservation, Rights and Livelihoods - Executive Summary The Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill, currently before the Lords, is intended to ban the import of hunting trophies from a list of around 6000 species (as listed in a European Council Regulation now referred to in the Bill as the Principal Wildlife Trade Regulation), although the vast majority of species on this list...