community based tourism

Looking beyond hunting and tourism for community benefits – Luc Hoffman Institute. Author: Melissa de Kock. 10.2019

In her 'thought piece' entitled Looking beyond hunting and tourism for community benefits published in October 2019  by Luc Hoffman Institute, Melissa de Kock (WWF-Norway, Senior Advisor: Conservation, Climate and Communities) states that for community based conservation to evolve beyond the existing models based on tourism and hunting, initiatives such as those taken up jointly by Luc...

The Dangers of Extrapolation – Hunting Revenues and Local Communities – CIC. 10-2019

Extract:  The term ‘fake news’ has become popularized over the last few years. The term refers to information, usually presented as ‘news’ that has no basis in fact but is presented as being factually accurate in a deliberate attempt to spread misinformation for propaganda purposes. Hunting is often on the receiving end of this approach to ‘news’. It is increasingly evident that this...
UK wildlife report

Populations of UK’s most important wildlife have plummeted since 1970 – The Guardian. Author: Damian Carrington. 10.2019

Extract: Populations of UK’s most important wildlife have plummeted by an average of 60% since 1970. A quarter of mammals and nearly half of birds assessed are at risk of extinction, says State of Nature report The State of Nature report also found that the area inhabited by officially designated “priority species” has shrunk by 27%. The species are those deemed most important and...

Despite COVID-19, using wild species may still be the best way to save them

Despite COVID-19, using wild species may still be the best way to save them - IIED. Author: Dilys Roe. 2020-04 As the content of the post-2020 biodiversity framework is being developed, Dilys Roe discusses the role of sustainable use in reducing biodiversity loss and saving wild species, and some of the potential implications of COVID-19.   Before the sudden and dramatic disruption caused...