Fifty or more buffalo crowd the shore of a small waterhole.

Mozambique study: Rules about wildlife are more important than benefits from wildlife

Mozambique study: Rules about wildlife are more important than benefits from wildlife Human-wildlife conflict is often seen as a balancing act between the costs and benefits of living with wildlife. According to this thinking, if people lose more livestock or crops than the money they receive from wildlife-based industries (e.g. tourism and/or hunting), then they are unlikely to tolerate or want...
Khoi and San

Resource Africa and the San and Khoi southern African community: the fight for justice, recognition, and sustainability

Resource Africa and the San and Khoi South African Community: the fight for justice, recognition, and sustainability We share a blog researched and based on an interview with RASA CEO Lesle Jansen by Incominbios' staff writer Lianna Tosett Resource Africa South Africa CEO Leslé Jansen has been an intrinsic player in aiding and centralising the struggles faced by the San and Khoi local...
Kunene Ehi Rovipuka

Understanding the Kunene Wildlife Numbers

Understanding the Kunene Wildlife Numbers An article submitted by the Namibian Association of CBNRM Organisations (Nacso) was published in The Namibian on 7 October 2021. The article is based on a broader research piece, published here: A recent opinion editorial  published in The Namibian used our 2021 game count data from the Kunene Region as a reason to undermine...
Naledi Harvest Festival

“Building Communities in which none shall go hungry” Naledi harvest festival and local co-operatives’ dialogue

The Naledi harvest festival and local co-operatives’ dialogue It Begins with the Land - Building Communities where None Shall Go Hungry In this documentary, directors Jane Thandi Lipman and Sifiso Khanyile and producers Adi & Rashmi MistryFrost share the story of the Naledi Farming Co-operative. This is a story of hope. After 70 years of forced removals, the people of the Free State...
CBNRM Anabeb

CBNRM Success Stories: A Namibian rural community’s historic choice of wildlife over cattle

CBNRM and a Namibian rural community’s historic choice of wildlife over cattle Published in The Chronicle, Zimbabwe on October 16, 2020, this article by Johannesburg-based journalist, Emmanuel Koro is a success story about CBNRM in action as Namibia's Anabeb community's choice to switch from cattle production to wildlife hunting has uplifted lives and restored natural resources of the...