A group of seven happy looking San people.

Why Southern African Communities Must Climb the Conservation Governance Ladder

Why Southern African Communities Must Climb the Conservation Governance Ladder A ground-breaking global review of Indigenous peoples and local communities engaged in conservation reveals that more equitable community-led governance systems lead to better conservation and social outcomes. Increasing the level of engagement and decision-making power held by communities can therefore positively...
Fifty or more buffalo crowd the shore of a small waterhole.

Mozambique study: Rules about wildlife are more important than benefits from wildlife

Mozambique study: Rules about wildlife are more important than benefits from wildlife Human-wildlife conflict is often seen as a balancing act between the costs and benefits of living with wildlife. According to this thinking, if people lose more livestock or crops than the money they receive from wildlife-based industries (e.g. tourism and/or hunting), then they are unlikely to tolerate or want...
A woman and child in a wooden boat in a river channel.

Towards fair deals for communities engaged in the wildlife economy and conservation finance

.stk-10e45c0{max-width:100% !important;padding-top:0px !important;padding-right:0px !important;padding-bottom:0px !important;padding-left:0px !important} Towards fair deals for communities engaged in the wildlife economy and conservation finance The global problems of biodiversity loss and climate change have triggered investment and financial commitments from the private and public sectors, but...
Community Leaders Network

It’s a form of colonialism to tell us Africans what to do with our wildlife, writes Maxi Pia Louis, Community Leaders Network

It’s a form of colonialism to tell us Africans what to do with our wildlife, writes Maxi Pia Louis, Community Leaders Network “As a parliamentary committee calls for an end to trophy hunting, leading conservationist and secretary of the Community Leaders Network, MAXI LOUIS argues that far from protecting big game it will guarantee its destruction.”Wednesday 29 June’s Comment section of...
hunting trophies

‘It’s neocolonialism’: campaign to ban UK imports of hunting trophies condemned by African delegation

‘It’s neocolonialism’: campaign to ban UK imports of hunting trophies condemned by African delegation Former colonial powers seeking to pass laws that threaten the rights and livelihoods of rural African communities and their wildlife, need to consider this impact and hear what Africans have to say about it first.That’s the message that a delegation from the Community Leaders Network of...
global biodiversity framework

Recommendations for the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework – ACBA

Recommendations for the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework - ACBA In an extensive report following the recently ended CBD Geneva meeting in March 2022, the African CSOs Biodiversity Alliance (ACBA) issued Recommendations for the Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. As well as commenting on specific targets that address all the direct drivers of biodiversity loss as stipulated in the...

African and Community Voices were heard at UNEA 5

African and Community Voices were heard at UNEA 5 RAUK and CLN participated in the 5th meeting of the United Nations Environmental Assembly held in Nairobi, Kenya from 28 February to 2 March 2022, and UNEP's 50th anniversary on the 3rd and  4th March. The purpose of this participation is to ensure that due recognition is given to the rights and...
infrastructure development

Risks associated with infrastructure development in southern African rural areas

Risks associated with infrastructure development in southern African rural areas When United Nations Environment Agency (UNEA 5.2) convenes next week from 28 February to 4 March 2022 in Nairobi, Kenya, representatives of the Community Leaders Network of Southern Africa member Chifundo Dalireni from Malawi and Resource Africa UK CEO, Dr Malan Lindeque, will, along with others from civil society...

Community Leaders Network formalised

Founder members of the Community Leaders Network of Southern Africa (CLN) met in Namibia’s capital city, Windhoek at Avani Hotels from 18-22 October to formalise the network. The five-day workshop brought together representatives of local communities involved in Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) from Zambia, Namibia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Botswana, and Mozambique, as...

Conservation in the Mahenye Royal Household – the Birth of CAMPFIRE in Zimbabwe

Conservation in the Mahenye Royal Household – the birth of CAMPFIRE in Zimbabwe by Liberty Chauke I was seated listening to the melodious and whistling sounds of birds in the forest. Memories of childhood popped in and took me down memory lane. I grew up in the most respected royal family in Zimbabwe. My grandfather had many wives, who interacted with us during the night by telling us stories...