biocultural rights

Indigenous Rooibos tea farmers seek a fairer deal

South Africa's indigenous rooibos tea farmers seek a fairer deal - Financial Times report by Joseph Cotterill Financial Times July 27, 2021 In an article published on July 27, Financial Times correspondent, Joseph Cotterill reports on one of the Khoi and San communities in South Africa's Cedarberg mountain region where the rooibos tea plant occurs in the wild.  In 2019, the community - the...

Endangered: Small scale fishermen and the African penguin?

The 2021 theme for World Oceans Day is The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods. With marine resources especially important for the coastal communities in Africa, the ocean is vital for countless livelihoods on the continent and throughout the globe. To mark World Oceans Day this June 8, we bring you a report written by one of our CLN youth members, Takdeera Lewis, about a small-scale fishing...
African Conservation Challenge

$15K African Conservation Challenge – digital identity to foster African conservation dialogue launched

$15K African Conservation Challenge: digital identity to foster African conservation dialogue launched Closing date for proposals 30 May 2021 Resource Africa, in partnership with Yoti proudly announces the launch of a digital identity-themed African Conservation Challenge open to individuals and organizations throughout Africa. The USD15 000 prize challenge forms a part of Yoti’s  Social...

Community Leaders Network SBSTTA Statement

Community Leaders Network: SBSTTA Statement Leave no voice unheard! Sustainable use of biodiversity is a human rights issue in Africa We, the Community Leaders Network (CLN), representing community organisations engaged in conservation in nine Southern African Countries, commend the work of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) since its fourteenth...
Community Leaders Network Convention on Biological Diversity SBSTTA-24

CLN will be represented at the information sessions for Convention on Biological Diversity SBSTTA-24

The CLN will be represented at the information sessions for the Convention on Biological Diversity SBSTTA-24 A delegation of the Community Leaders Network (CLN) is attending the virtual informal sessions in preparation for the Convention on Biological Diversity SBSTTA-24 and will have their voices heard through a statement, soon to be released, on African's rights to  sustainably use their...
conservation and colonialism

Conservation and colonialism – A Statement from the Southern Africa Community Leaders Network

Conservation and colonialism - A Statement from the Southern Africa Community Leaders Network Our Resources Our Rights The Community Leaders Network (CLN) challenges  those in the Global North who are condemning conservation hunting as a colonial relic. For every complex problem there is an answer that seems clear and simple but is often wrong. Peoples who were colonised across the world have...
human rights

Conservation must begin with respecting human rights

Conservation must begin with respecting human rights Human Rights Day exposes long road ahead for local community rights. On International Human Rights Day, we celebrate Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities. At long last the world is increasingly hearing their voices, acknowledging their rights to sustainably manage their resources, and respecting their ecological knowledge. But despite...
community leaders network

Letter to The Times from The Community Leaders Network

Letter to The Times from The Community Leaders Network As leaders and representatives of local communities and local community institutions in Southern Africa, we have an unprecedented opportunity to challenge entrenched ideas about who is a legitimate champion of conservation and whose views matter. For example, a recent editorial in The Times takes a spectacularly uninformed position on...
Resource Africa our work

Letter to The Times from Resource Africa

Letter to The Times from Resource Africa In response to The Times editorial (“Blood Money”, 7 December), Resource Africa has submitted a response to the Letters Page which, amongst other observations, states:"You correctly warn that insidious misinformation can influence vital upcoming policy decisions. In this case, those decisions will have important consequences for the lives of millions...
World Wildlife Day

UN World Wildlife Day 2021 (3 March) as “Forests and livelihoods: sustaining people and planet” 

“Forests and livelihoods: sustaining people and planet” announced as theme of World Wildlife Day 2021 Geneva, 23 November 2020 - The Secretariat of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) announced today the theme of United Nations World Wildlife Day 2021: “Forests and livelihoods: sustaining people and planet”. Covering nearly a third...