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Advocacy Activities

Resource Africa CBNRM

Open Letter: Celebrity campaigns undermine successful conservation and human rights

Over fifty community leaders from southern Africa have issued a powerful open letter to UK-based celebrities, urging them to reconsider their influence on wildlife conservation and human rights. They emphasize the urgent need to balance conservation efforts with the basic human rights of local communities, highlighting the risks of jeopardizing both impoverished lives and natural ecosystems.

wildlife trade

Press Release: Experts call for holistic, equitable approach to tackling wildlife trade

Following the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, an international group of experts and key stakeholders from 35 countries today called upon the United Nations to consider impacts on biodiversity and the world’s most vulnerable people in its response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

More than 250 conservation and development experts and organisations, from international agencies to community groups representing millions of people, have so far signed the open letter addressed to the heads of the World Health Organisation, the United Nations Environment Programme and other UN and inter-governmental bodies. Recognising the need to tackle illegal and unsustainable wildlife trade to reduce pandemic risks, they highlight that any actions should be strategically targeted at situations where such trade poses particular risks to human health, biodiversity conservation or animal welfare, and should not exacerbate inequality and poverty. They warn that wholesale, far-reaching bans on wildlife trade not only risk negative social, economic and ecological consequences but may also fail to address other key sources of zoonotic disease risk.

Read More »Press Release: Experts call for holistic, equitable approach to tackling wildlife trade
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Letter about Trophy Hunting to the Editor of Science Magazine: A Response from Southern African Community Leaders

A recent letter in Science by Dickman et al about trophy hunting unleashed passionate debate in the Western media.  These discussions have involved over 400 conservationists, academics and animal rights advocates from the US, Europe and Australia, voicing strong, if divergent, opinions on effective conservation strategies. Much of the discussion focuses on Africa, but with… Read More »Letter about Trophy Hunting to the Editor of Science Magazine: A Response from Southern African Community Leaders