Organisation key for local community youth to have a say on environmental decision making

Organisation key for local community youth to have a say on environmental decision-making by Bupe Banda I was determined to attend the IUCN One Future Global Youth Summit in April. Although I have been invited to a number of the youth network meetings, the agenda of the One Future Global Youth Summit spoke to my passion for what I am working on — the role of youth in advocating on climate...

From the Well of Law: Drawing Innovative Solutions to Combat Illegal Wildlife Trade

From the Well of the Law: Drawing Innovative Solutions to Combat Illegal Wildlife Trade by NAILA BHATRI AND MARIBEL RODRIGUEZ Mother Nature is exhausted and depleted. Are we legal professionals doing our best to contribute to its protection and recovery? We believe that it is not too late to harness the full power of environmental laws to provide solutions that can help solve conservation...

Unlocking Africa’s wildlife economy

Unlocking Africa's Wildlife Economy by Sue Snyman PhD The old adage of ‘you can’t manage what you don’t measure’ applies equally to wildlife.  Our recent State of the Wildlife Economy in Africa report clearly shows that we do not measure the value of wildlife in Africa very well.  So, it would follow that we don’t manage it very well either?  Understanding the value that wildlife...
Resource Africa Press Release

PRESS RELEASE: Southern Africa Community Leaders Challenge Sir Ranulph Fiennes on Trophy Imports ban

PRESS RELEASE: Southern Africa Community Leaders Challenge Sir Ranulph Fiennes on Trophy Imports ban Misinformation ignores African voices and right to thrive, not just survive Representatives of millions of rural Africans across southern Africa, have urged Sir Ranulph Fiennes to stop using his influence, as ambassador of the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting (CBTH), and spreading misinformation...

CLN letter to Sir Ranulph Fiennes The Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting undermines successful conservation and human rights in Africa

CLN letter to Sir Ranulph Fiennes The Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting undermines successful conservation and human rights in Africa In a letter to Sir Ranulph Fiennes, the Community Leaders Network (CLN) challenges his calls to supporters and UK legislators to ban trophy imports, saying it undermines globally recognised successful conservation efforts and Africans' human rights to sustainably use...

Convention on Biological Diversity: Extend The Nagoya Protocol to Sustainable Use of Wildlife

The UN Convention on Biological Diversity: Extend The Nagoya Protocol to Sustainable Use of Wildlife by Professor Ademola Oluborode Jegede Imagine an approach to wildlife conservation that allows wildlife populations to flourish, respects the rights of local and indigenous peoples to determine their own future, and helps reduce poverty and inequality. A framework for achieving these positive...

Re-thinking nature-based solutions: seeking transformative change through culture and rights: A briefing for the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

Re-thinking nature-based solutions:seeking transformative change throughculture and rights This briefing, from Forest Peoples Programme looks at key areas in which nature-based solutions need more clarity and rigour if they are to play an effective and transformational role in driving financial and technical support where it is needed most to tackle the global environmental crisis, to uphold...

PRESS RELEASE: African Conservation and Human Rights Advocates urge European Politicians not to be misled about trophy hunting

PRESS RELEASE: African Conservation and Human Rights Advocates urge European Politicians not to be misled about trophy hunting Advocates for human rights and conservation in Africa have warned that bans on trophy hunting imports from Africa could have catastrophic effects on people and communities already devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic. In an open letter to Alliance ‘90, Resource Africa...

Open Letter: Resource Africa urges European politicians not to be misled about trophy hunting

Open Letter: Resource Africa urges European politicians not to be misled about trophy hunting In this open letter, Resource Africa  challenges the German Green Party Alliance '90/The Greens on their manifesto call for a ban on trophy imports. RA argues this will have detrimental effects on rural African lives and the Greens should actively seek African perspectives.   Read the letter here