Community Leaders Network SBSTTA statement

Audio Clip of CLN Statement to SBSTTA Virtual Session

The CLN release an audio clip of the Statement to SBSTTA Virtual Session Listen to this clip of the Community Leaders Network (CLN) statement delivered by CLN Coordinator, Ms. Maxi Pia Louis, Namibia Association of Community Based Resource Management (CBNRM) Support Organisations (NACSO), during the 18th February virtual session of the CBD subsidiary body on science SBSTTA. Listen to the CLN...

Community Leaders Network SBSTTA Statement

Community Leaders Network: SBSTTA Statement Leave no voice unheard! Sustainable use of biodiversity is a human rights issue in Africa We, the Community Leaders Network (CLN), representing community organisations engaged in conservation in nine Southern African Countries, commend the work of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) since its fourteenth...
Resource Africa in the media

Facts matter: conservation scientists debunk myths about trophy hunting

Facts matter: conservation scientists debunk myths about trophy hunting 'Facts matter and misinformation can have devastating real-world impacts' Expressing their concern about an opinion piece by photographer Cyril Christo published in The Hill,  a widely read US political website, several conservation scientists wrote a rejoinder to debunk myths about trophy hunting with sound science and...
Community Leaders Network Convention on Biological Diversity SBSTTA-24

CLN will be represented at the information sessions for Convention on Biological Diversity SBSTTA-24

The CLN will be represented at the information sessions for the Convention on Biological Diversity SBSTTA-24 A delegation of the Community Leaders Network (CLN) is attending the virtual informal sessions in preparation for the Convention on Biological Diversity SBSTTA-24 and will have their voices heard through a statement, soon to be released, on African's rights to  sustainably use their...