South Africa’s rooibos restitution Indigenous groups must be compensated for their knowledge and made equals in research – Nature. Editorial 11.2019

South Africa’s rooibos restitution. Indigenous groups must be compensated for their knowledge and made equals in research - Nature. Editorial 11.2019
The Global North

The global north: time for some home truths about deforestation

The Global North: time for some home truths about deforestation A powerful French book punctures the myth that countries in the global south are largely responsible for habitat destruction Is the Global North's distance from the immediate impacts of biodiversity loss, climate change and COVID19 affecting perceptions of these realities as the fault of the worst affected peoples? Laura Spinney's...
conservation in Africa

Linking Conversation and Conservation in Africa by Sauleja Rajak

Linking Conversation and Conservation in Africa by Sauleha Rajak Conservation comes with deep interconnections between human rights and nature preservation. The rights of animals over the rights of humans or the rights of humans overs the rights of animals? How do we strike a balance? What does it mean to act fairly and morally? Conservation aims to protect our ecosystems, our planet - but at...

Statement on behalf of the African Region to be presented by the Chair of the African Group on 15th December 2020 for the virtual session of the SBSTTA 24 and SBI 3

Statement on behalf of the African Region to be presented by the Chair of the African Group on 15th December 2020 for the virtual session of the SBSTTA 24 and SBI 3 On behalf of the African Region, a statement was presented by the Chair of the African Group on 15th December 2020 for the virtual session of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) 24 and...
CBD virtual session under the theme "Biodiversity, One Health and responses to COVID19

CLN AND RA Statement presented at CBD Virtual Session on Biodiversity, One Health and COVID-19

Statement by Community Leaders Network and Resource Africa The statement was submitted at the CBD Virtual Session: Biodiversity, One Health and responses to COVID19 15-16 December 2O2O Community Leaders Network members and Resource Africa who are participating in the  15-16 December CBD virtual session under the theme "Biodiversity, One Health and responses to COVID19" will today present the...