resource Africa The Eden Illusion

Video: “The Eden Illusion: The Fate of Africa’s Wildlife in a post-COVID-19 World” The Conservation Imperative 2020

VIDEO: THE EDEN ILLUSION: The Fate of Africa's Wildlife in a post-COVID-19 World The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating effect on human health, social welfare, and the economies of nations across the globe. Blanket travel restrictions, enforced to contain the virus, ensured the instant collapse of tourism worldwide. Several African nations were particularly hard hit because of tourism's high...

Book Review: Western Celebration of African Poverty by Emmanuel Koro An interview with the author, Emmanuel Koro, about why he wrote the book “Western Celebration of African Poverty" which carries a forward by Mr Eugene Lapointe, who writes of the book: (Western Celebration of African Poverty) has something for everyone who...