Safeguarding human–wildlife cooperation: Review . Authors: Van der Wal et al,Conservation Letters

Safeguarding human–wildlife cooperation - Van der Wal et al, Conservation Letters April 2022 Conservation decision makers routinely address conflict between human interests and the protection of wildlife and ecosystems (Dickman, 2010), yet challenges remain even when the interests of humans and wildlife are aligned. Download the PDF

IUCN Issues Briefs: Human-Wildlife Conflict JUNE 2022

IUCN Issues Briefs: Human-Wildlife Conflict JUNE 2022 Human-wildlife conflicts are becoming more frequent, serious and widespread because of human population growth, agricultural expansion, infrastructure development, climate change and other drivers of habitat loss. Download the PDF
sustainable use

Community conservation supported by global report on the sustainable use of wildlife

Community conservation supported by global report on the sustainable use of wildlife by Gail Thomson The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) recently released a summary of an Assessment Report aimed at global policy makers that examines the current state of sustainable use of biodiversity. The full report, which is to be released soon, took 85...

It’s time to center African people in the conservation agenda – Mongabay Commentary

It’s time to centre African people in the conservation agenda - Mongabay Commentary by Gail Thomson The African Protected Areas Congress was launched to position African protected and conserved areas within the broader goals of economic development and community well being. As the first Congress of its kind, APAC is an important step away from ‘fortress conservation’ approaches and towards...
Communications and Advocacy position

Communications, Advocacy & Research Officer Resource Africa United Kingdom (RAUK)

ResourceAfrica UK (RAUK) is a UK charity established in 1991. Along with its sister organisation, ResourceAfrica South Africa (RA-SA) – collectively RA, it has played a key role in promoting the concept and application of sustainable use of natural resources - particularly wildlife - as a conservation and development strategy both within Southern African and in relevant international policy...
community based natural resource management

Legal analysis of the community-based natural resource management principles in South African Development Community framework

Legal analysis of the community-based natural resource management principles in South African Development Community framework by Chiedza Machaka In the previous article in this series, I discussed the legal support for community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) that is derived from various Protocols by the African Union. In this article, I zone in on the African region where...
anti hunting laws

Media Release: Anti-hunting laws threaten our livelihoods and our wildlife

MEDIA RELEASE A Wave Of Legislative Proposals Throughout Europe To Restrict The Legal Import Of Hunting Trophies Threatens The Rights And Livelihoods Of African Communities Involved In Conservation, And The Wildlife Itself For Immediate Release: July 7 2022 Representatives of African rural communities lead a mission to explain to the UK and European lawmakers how proposed legislation undermines...
Community Leaders Network

It’s a form of colonialism to tell us Africans what to do with our wildlife, writes Maxi Pia Louis, Community Leaders Network

It’s a form of colonialism to tell us Africans what to do with our wildlife, writes Maxi Pia Louis, Community Leaders Network “As a parliamentary committee calls for an end to trophy hunting, leading conservationist and secretary of the Community Leaders Network, MAXI LOUIS argues that far from protecting big game it will guarantee its destruction.”Wednesday 29 June’s Comment section of...

Traditional Ecological Knowledge ‘TEK’ – Why the world has a lot to learn about conservation – and trust – from Indigenous societies

Traditional Ecological Knowledge 'TEK' - Why the world has a lot to learn about conservation – and trust – from Indigenous societies by John Ziker, Professor of Anthropology, Boise State University Many outdoor enthusiasts and sustainability organisations emphasise “leaving no trace.” In fact, people always leave traces, no matter how small. Even footsteps compact the soil and affect...
rural communities

Hand-to-Mouth Options for Rural Communities do not Guarantee Long-term Conservation of Biodiversity

Hand-to-Mouth Options for Rural Communities do not Guarantee Long-term Conservation of Biodiversity By Emmanuel Siakilo and Taye Teferi, African CSOs Biodiversity Alliance Legal sustainable wildlife use and trade enhances the survival of traditional knowledge and culture and returns equitable benefits from nature conservation to local communities. When empowered, community benefits derived from...