Communications Manager RA

VACANCY: Communications Manager

    Thank you for your interest, but this position is now closed. Please keep an eye on our social media channels for future vacancies.   VACANCY: Communications Manager Position:  Communications Manager Reporting to: RASA Chief Executive Officer Terms of Engagement: Full Time Duty Station: Southern Africa Background to Resource Africa Resource Africa’s...
Animals Abroad Act

Poorly conceived’ Animals Abroad Bill puts wildlife at risk, UK government told – The Guardian January 13, 2022

'Poorly conceived’ Animals Abroad Bill puts wildlife at risk, UK government told - The Guardian January 13, 2022 Proposed ban on trophy hunting imports ignores African perspectives and could reverse conservation gains, says open letter  In an article in The Guardian UK on Thursday 13 January 2022, some balanced reporting by environmental journalist Patrick Greenfield about the hunting bans...

Furore over Namibian community-based conservation – Africa Geographic

Furore over Namibian community-based conservation - Africa Geographic "Animal rights organisations seem to be strangely fixated on Namibia’s community conservation model. The reason for this fixation is obvious – Namibia includes hunting as part of its broader wildlife economy and has made greater efforts to include rural communities in conservation than most other countries in the world." A...
hunting communities

SADC rural hunting communities demand win-win benefits from international hunting – The Chronicle, Zimbabwe

SADC rural hunting communities demand win-win benefits from international hunting - The Chronicle, Zimbabwe "We think this is the right time to remove the middleman and let communities market their own natural resources,' said a member of the Southern Africa Community Leaders Network and CEO Ngamiland NGOs, Mr Siyoka Simasiku. "Communities should not be stakeholders but shareholders." Once...

Why Africa needs a common stance at CITES

Why Africa needs a common stance at CITES The 19th Conference of Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES CoP19) is to be held in Panama, central America from 14 to 25 November, 2022.  Pointing to the fact that African countries represented at CITES do not have a history of  speaking with one voice on matters that pertains to its...
US hypocrisy

In conservation efforts, US hypocrisy is undermining African countries’ proven accomplishments – Washington Examiner

In conservation efforts, US hypocrisy is undermining African countries' proven accomplishments - Washington Examiner The USA uses hunting to fund conservation efforts, which contribute to the global goal of protecting 30% of the earth by 2030. Yet these authors point out the hypocrisy of the US position, as it is considering legislation that will prevent Zimbabwe, Zambia and Tanzania from doing...

COP26 and a Call to Action: Hope is us

COP26: Hope is us Post COP26, the global grassroots movement to solve the climate crisis,, shared an email entitled "The Bad News and the Good News from COP26" with their supporters. Their Call to Action was posted on Facebook. The UN climate summit in Glasgow has finished. The good news is that for the first time in history, the talks formally recognised the need to put an end to fossil...
climate change Africa

Climate change means hunger in our communities, African women leaders at COP26 – Mongabay

Climate change means hunger in our communities, COP26 African delegates say. Africa is acutely vulnerable to climate change despite accounting for only four per cent of global emissions. The climate talks have come under scrutiny for poor representation from African nations, some of the most vulnerable to climate impacts. As COP26 which closed this week in Glasgow, Mongabay reports...

CBD: RA represented at the Parallel NGO Forum in Kunming.

CBD: RA represented at the Parallel NGO Forum in Kunming The Conventional on Biological Diversity (CBD) NGO Parallel Forum in Kunming was held in September 27 - 28. This was a unique opportunity for NGOs such as Resource Africa to join with the African CSOs Biodiversity Alliance (ACBA) to participate in the 2-day forum that was held virtually.  Fred Kwame Kumah of ACBA gave 2-minute statement...

Community Leaders Network formalised

Founder members of the Community Leaders Network of Southern Africa (CLN) met in Namibia’s capital city, Windhoek at Avani Hotels from 18-22 October to formalise the network. The five-day workshop brought together representatives of local communities involved in Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) from Zambia, Namibia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Botswana, and Mozambique, as...