UN Convention on Biological Diversity

A New Global Framework for Managing Nature Through 2030: 1st Detailed Draft Agreement Debuts

Press Release: A New Global Framework for Managing Nature Through 2030: 1st Detailed Draft Agreement Debuts Montreal, 12 July 2021 – The UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Secretariat today released the first official draft of a new Global Biodiversity Framework to guide actions worldwide through 2030 to preserve and protect nature and its essential services to people.The framework...

Flying elephants to Africa would be foolish meddling – The Times July 9 by Graham Boynton

Flying elephants to Africa would be foolish meddling. by Graham Boynton The Times July 9, 2021 In an article published in The Times, journalist Graham Boynton reports that "Yet another group of sentimental urban western animal lovers has decided what is best for African wildlife, but may have neglected to tell the Africans involved about that decision. The Aspinall Foundation, whose head of PR is...

Communities lash out at Born Free Foundation – The Namibian Sun

Communities lash out at Born Free Foundation - The Namibian Sun The Namibian Sun reports on the complaint lodged by community leaders in southern Africa to the Charity Commission for England and Wales, citing the false assertions made Born Free Foundation, a UK registered charity: Community leaders from six African countries, including Namibia, are accusing the Born Free Foundation of waging a...

Pandemic prevention should not victimise Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

Pandemic prevention should not victimise Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities In a new paper published by Conservation Letters, authors Jason M. Tylianakis, Mark R. Herse, Sanna Malinennd, and  Phil O’B. Lyver lay out how wildlife consumption bans would inflict economic and cultural harms on already marginalised people. "During times of crisis, such as the present COVID pandemic,...

Mongabay: Reckoning with elitism and racism in conservation Q&A with Colleen Beg

Reckoning with elitism and racism in conservation From Mongabay.com - Rhett A Butler in conversation with Colleen Begg In a Q&A with Colleen Begg, who co-founded both the Niassa Carnivore Project in Mozambique and Women for the Environment, Africa, Begg talks about discrimination, colonial legacy, privilege, and power dynamics in conservation. To me conservation really is one of the last...

Press Release: UK Charity raises funds at expense of Africans

Press Release: UK Charity raises funds at expense of Africans 28.6.2021: For Immediate Release from The Community Leaders Network of Southern Africa: As the UK parliament consider bans on hunting trophy imports, community leaders representing millions of rural Africans have launched an official complaint against one of the key players in the campaigns against trophy hunting. READ THE PRESS...
Dr Kenneth Kaunda

Dr Kenneth David Kaunda
1924 – 2021

Dr Kenneth David Kaunda 1924 – 2021 Fighter for the liberation of southern Africa A conservation compatriot who believed in sustainable management of natural resources to better the lives of the people who live with it A pioneer of CBNRM, launching the Luangwa Integrated Resources Development project in the 1980’s aimed at devolving management of natural resources to the local communities A...

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
— 2021

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought. Restoration. Land. Recovery. Today, June 17 2021 is World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought. This year the theme is "Restoration, Land. Recovery." and will focus on turning degraded land into healthy land. Restoring degraded land brings economic resilience, creates jobs, raises incomes and increases food security. It helps biodiversity to...

Is the notion of sustainable use of biodiversity  a legal principle of international law?

Is the notion of sustainable use of biodiversity a legal principle of international law? by Prof Ademola Oluborode Jegede in collaboration with Lesle Jansen Sustainable use is a functional concept to mediate the tension between human being survival and the need for conservation of biodiversity. While the notion is often mentioned here and there in project cycles, it is sometimes unreflectively...

Endangered: Small scale fishermen and the African penguin?

The 2021 theme for World Oceans Day is The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods. With marine resources especially important for the coastal communities in Africa, the ocean is vital for countless livelihoods on the continent and throughout the globe. To mark World Oceans Day this June 8, we bring you a report written by one of our CLN youth members, Takdeera Lewis, about a small-scale fishing...