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CBNRM model

CBNRM is a conservation model which establishes long-term relationships with local communities, empowering rural Africans to successfully manage their natural resources while achieving significant ecological and financial benefits. The CBNRM approach is key to wise environmental conservation, strengthening livelihoods while protecting wildlife habitats.

Unmasking the impact of Covid-19 on the livelihoods of small-scale fishers along the Kenyan coast for possible interventions.

Unmasking the impact of Covid-19 on the livelihoods of small-scale
fishers along the Kenyan coast for possible interventions

Authors: Bironga H, et al (2022).

Kenya Aquatica Scientific Journal of the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute.
COVID-19 pandemic caused many human deaths and was a multiplier of vulnerability for many households. Consequently, threatening attainment of food security especially in developing countries.
Read More »Unmasking the impact of Covid-19 on the livelihoods of small-scale fishers along the Kenyan coast for possible interventions.

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community based natural resource management

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