Why Africa needs a common stance at CITES

Why Africa needs a common stance at CITES The 19th Conference of Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES CoP19) is to be held in Panama, central America from 14 to 25 November, 2022.  Pointing to the fact that African countries represented at CITES do not have a history of  speaking with one voice on matters that pertains to its...

IUCN WCC 3-11 September 2021: Transformative Change for Nature and People

IUCN WCC 3-11 September 2021: Transformative Change for Nature and People Resource Africa and the Community Leaders Network of Southern Africa will be represented at the Congress by delegates from both organizations. Resource Africa and the Community Leaders Network of Southern Africa will be represented at the Congress by delegates from both organizations.Mission: to create awareness of the CLN...

Conservation in the Mahenye Royal Household – the Birth of CAMPFIRE in Zimbabwe

Conservation in the Mahenye Royal Household – the birth of CAMPFIRE in Zimbabwe by Liberty Chauke I was seated listening to the melodious and whistling sounds of birds in the forest. Memories of childhood popped in and took me down memory lane. I grew up in the most respected royal family in Zimbabwe. My grandfather had many wives, who interacted with us during the night by telling us stories...
biocultural rights

Indigenous Rooibos tea farmers seek a fairer deal

South Africa's indigenous rooibos tea farmers seek a fairer deal - Financial Times report by Joseph Cotterill Financial Times July 27, 2021 In an article published on July 27, Financial Times correspondent, Joseph Cotterill reports on one of the Khoi and San communities in South Africa's Cedarberg mountain region where the rooibos tea plant occurs in the wild.  In 2019, the community - the...
UN Convention on Biological Diversity

A New Global Framework for Managing Nature Through 2030: 1st Detailed Draft Agreement Debuts

Press Release: A New Global Framework for Managing Nature Through 2030: 1st Detailed Draft Agreement Debuts Montreal, 12 July 2021 – The UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Secretariat today released the first official draft of a new Global Biodiversity Framework to guide actions worldwide through 2030 to preserve and protect nature and its essential services to people.The framework...

Pandemic prevention should not victimise Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

Pandemic prevention should not victimise Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities In a new paper published by Conservation Letters, authors Jason M. Tylianakis, Mark R. Herse, Sanna Malinennd, and  Phil O’B. Lyver lay out how wildlife consumption bans would inflict economic and cultural harms on already marginalised people. "During times of crisis, such as the present COVID pandemic,...

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
— 2021

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought. Restoration. Land. Recovery. Today, June 17 2021 is World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought. This year the theme is "Restoration, Land. Recovery." and will focus on turning degraded land into healthy land. Restoring degraded land brings economic resilience, creates jobs, raises incomes and increases food security. It helps biodiversity to...

Re-thinking nature-based solutions: seeking transformative change through culture and rights: A briefing for the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

Re-thinking nature-based solutions:seeking transformative change throughculture and rights This briefing, from Forest Peoples Programme looks at key areas in which nature-based solutions need more clarity and rigour if they are to play an effective and transformational role in driving financial and technical support where it is needed most to tackle the global environmental crisis, to uphold...
World Water Day

World Water Day in Africa – Articles from The Conversation Africa

World Water Day in Africa To mark it ,The Conversation Africa curated articles that provide deep dives into the precious resource, and its management, across the continent. The Conversation Africa's Commissioning Editor for East and Francophone Africa, Moira Sooner, explains: To start with, we focus on the Nile, a gigantic water source that flows through 11 African countries and affects the lives...