
The Dangers of Extrapolation – Hunting Revenues and Local Communities – CIC. 10-2019

Extract:  The term ‘fake news’ has become popularized over the last few years. The term refers to information, usually presented as ‘news’ that has no basis in fact but is presented as being factually accurate in a deliberate attempt to spread misinformation for propaganda purposes. Hunting is often on the receiving end of this approach to ‘news’. It is increasingly evident that this...
african conservationists

Transforming African conservation from old social cause into next-gen growth market

On the surface it would seem that time is running short for African wildlife, but one Ghanaian entrepreneur sees conservation as one of the great opportunities for Africa, reports Rhett Butler/ Mongabay  September 3, 2019. Extract: Africa’s conservation challenges are daunting: Fred Swaniker, the founder and CEO of the African Leadership Group, has won accolades for his efforts to transform...

COVID-19: wildlife trade and communities: a selection of recently published articles

We are sharing some links to recent COVID-19 related news articles and papers recommended in the IUCN SULi Digest March and April 2020 Edition. Wildlife trade and trade bans Despite COVID-19, using wild species may still be the best way to save them by Dilys Roe Wildlife trade: Regulated markets involving local communities, ‘essential’ to balance humans and nature, Ivonne Higuero,...

Humans aren’t the Virus

“There have been many plagues in the world as there have been wars, yet plagues and wars always find people equally unprepared.” - Albert Camus  From Counterpunch by FIORE LONGO APRIL 24, 2020   It’s time for a confession. Not long ago, I was sitting on the floor in a remote part of India and was given a plate of rice and meat. As a daughter of the Western world, I...
contested conservation

Contested Conservation: Implications for Rights, Democratisation, and Citizenship in Southern Africa

This paper, by Masego Madzwamuse, Elizabeth Rihoy, Maxi Louis was published in the journal Development in 2020 © Society for International Development 2020 Two competing ideological approaches have emerged in African wildlife conservation: an exclusionary approach that is aligned with the, mostly Western, animal protection movement; and the inclusive human rights-based approach of many African...
Namibian wildlife conservation

Competing conservation ideologies: Troubled times for reporting on Namibian wildlife

By Liz Rihoy and Malan Lindeque  •  Op-ed The Daily Maverick 14 April 2019 Two competing ideological narratives have emerged in African wildlife conservation. The one is based on so- called ‘compassionate conservation’, aligned with the mostly Western animal rights movement, the other based on the human rights of the owners of the wildlife, the local people who live with wild...