Community Leaders Network SBSTTA statement

Audio Clip of CLN Statement to SBSTTA Virtual Session

The CLN release an audio clip of the Statement to SBSTTA Virtual Session Listen to this clip of the Community Leaders Network (CLN) statement delivered by CLN Coordinator, Ms. Maxi Pia Louis, Namibia Association of Community Based Resource Management (CBNRM) Support Organisations (NACSO), during the 18th February virtual session of the CBD subsidiary body on science SBSTTA. Listen to the CLN...
celebrity power

Celebrity power undermining global conservation efforts, scientists warn

Celebrity power undermining global conservation efforts, scientists warn Finally, the voices of Africa's rural communities are being heard. Congratulations Alex Morss on an important article. Delighted you're hearing the voices of rural communities and for having the courage to produce this balanced, well-researched article on the lived reality of African people. Read the article here

Contested Conservation implications for rights democratisation and citizenship – Authors: Madzwamuse, Rihoy, Louis 2020