community livelihoods and COVID19

COVID19, Community Livelihoods and Sustainable Wildlife Trade

In the COVID19, Community Livelihoods and a Sustainable Wildlife Trade This in-depth feature, by writer Wendee Nicole was published by Ensia, a media outlet of University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment, focuses on alternative ways to meet communities' basic needs and secure community livelihoods in the face of COVID19.The article quotes @dilysroe on wet market ban undermining food...
trophy hunting into the wild

Podcast: Into the Wild – 3 Namibians discuss Trophy Hunting

Podcast: Into the Wild - 3 Namibians discuss Trophy Hunting African peoples have hunted animals for hundreds of years and this is highly regulated. This episode of Into The Wild  podcast features three Namibians, among them  Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) director Maxi Louis whose organisation supports communities living in conservancies, John Mwilima, a management...
non-consumptive tourism

Consumptive vs. non-consumptive tourism – NAPHA. Denker 2019-04

The author, Hagen Denker, in an article that appeared on the NAPHA (Namibia Professional Hunters Association) website and its social media pages in 2019 observes "it is often claimed that “non-consumptive” tourism has a low impact and low carbon footprint on the natural environment.", he asks the question: "But what does this actually mean? And how does this compare to “consumptive”...
community based tourism

Looking beyond hunting and tourism for community benefits – Luc Hoffman Institute. Author: Melissa de Kock. 10.2019

In her 'thought piece' entitled Looking beyond hunting and tourism for community benefits published in October 2019  by Luc Hoffman Institute, Melissa de Kock (WWF-Norway, Senior Advisor: Conservation, Climate and Communities) states that for community based conservation to evolve beyond the existing models based on tourism and hunting, initiatives such as those taken up jointly by Luc...
Africa forest dwellers

COVID-19-led ban on wild meat could take protein off the table for millions of forest dwellers

COVID-19-led ban on wild meat could take protein off the table for millions of forest dwellers - Forests News. Authors: R Nasi, J Fa 2020-03 In the wake of COVID-19, conservationists have greeted China’s recent clampdown on wild animal hunting and consumption with enthusiasm. The government made the move based on scientific theories that COVID-19 was transmitted from a pangolin...