News and Resources


News, opinion pieces and statements authored by Resource Africa, Community Leaders Network members, and guest contributors, from whom we welcome hosts fresh ideas and new perspectives on topical issues in conservation, rights, and development in Southern Africa.

The views in the guest author posts are the authors’ own and do not necessarily represent those of Resource Africa

If you have a perspective on a topical issue and would like to contribute an opinion piece, please refer our blog guidelines, and contact us.

Africa disgruntled over CBD – The Namibian. Shigwedha 2019-08

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Southern African Development Community Tourism Program approved – Steinmetz 2019-10

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sustainable use

Sustainable Use: A Selection of Research Papers and Reports 2019

Resource Africa is a key repository for and a 'go to' resource portal for information on regional CB…

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The case for shrinking the faunal poverty line – Daily Maverick. Author: Stoddard 2019-07

Africa’s beastly burden: The case for shrinking the faunal poverty line by Ed Stoddard, 15 July 2019

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A hunter responds to Joubert – Mmegi Press. Author: Stones 2019-03

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Evaluation of biodiversity policy instruments – What works and what doesn’t – Authors: Miteva et al. 2012

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Recovery and renewal: the return of wildlife tourism in Zimbabwe – National Geographic Author: Emma Thompson 2019-10

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How to save CITES (if it’s worth saving) – Daily Maverick Author: Ivo Vegter 2019-11

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Trophy hunting: No place for forced removals in wildlife conservation – Daily Maverick Author: Ivo Vegter 2019-12

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Botswana: A lack of consultation is bad for conservation – Africa Sustainable Conservation News. Author: Vereynne 2019-02

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