News and Resources


News, opinion pieces and statements authored by Resource Africa, Community Leaders Network members, and guest contributors, from whom we welcome hosts fresh ideas and new perspectives on topical issues in conservation, rights, and development in Southern Africa.

The views in the guest author posts are the authors’ own and do not necessarily represent those of Resource Africa

If you have a perspective on a topical issue and would like to contribute an opinion piece, please refer our blog guidelines, and contact us.

Media Statement: Botswana Controlled Hunting Programme: A Sustainable, Science Based Conservation Strategy To Benefit And Empower Communities

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Andrade e Sousa Angola Geomorphology

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Potential of trophy hunting to create incentives for wildlife conservation in Africa where alternative wildlife-based land uses may not be viable – Authors : Lindsey, Alexander, Frank, Mathieson, Romanach

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human elephant conflict

Namibia – farmers, free-roaming elephants and the spike in human elephant conflict

Conflict between humans and Namibia’s growing elephant population can be described as a “problem of …

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World Wildlife Day

UN World Wildlife Day 2021 (3 March) as “Forests and livelihoods: sustaining people and planet” 

“Forests and livelihoods: sustaining people and planet” announced as theme of World Wildlife Day 202…

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CBNRM: you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone

CBNRM: you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone by Dr Shylock Muyengwa​ Do community-based natu…

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Trade bans and wildlife

Are CITES bans driving up demand for wildlife products?

An in-depth feature in Knowable Magazine  by Natasha Gilbert reports that scientists and wildli…

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COVID-19 impacts

COVID-19 ‘perfect storm’ threatens conservation in Africa

COVID-19 ‘perfect storm’ threatens conservation in Africa A new report calls for rapid collaborative…

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Zimbabwe, Zambia in kapenta war – IOL Business Report. Author: Marawanyika 2014-06

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The Philosophical Epistemologies of Asante Proverbs in Ghana’s Biodiversity Conservation. Author: Dickson Adom 2016-10

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