News and Resources


News, opinion pieces and statements authored by Resource Africa, Community Leaders Network members, and guest contributors, from whom we welcome hosts fresh ideas and new perspectives on topical issues in conservation, rights, and development in Southern Africa.

The views in the guest author posts are the authors’ own and do not necessarily represent those of Resource Africa

If you have a perspective on a topical issue and would like to contribute an opinion piece, please refer our blog guidelines, and contact us.

communities and livelihoods

Video: Voices from the Frontline: Communities and Livelihoods in Botswana

Produced by The Conservation Imperative, this 60-minute documentary follows Jack Ramsden, a young ca…

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community based tourism

Looking beyond hunting and tourism for community benefits – Luc Hoffman Institute. Author: Melissa de Kock. 10.2019

In her ‘thought piece’ entitled Looking beyond hunting and tourism for community benefit…

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sustainable futures

Video: Sustainable Futures – Communities in Action

“Sustainable Futures – Communities in Action”, a documentary produced by the Commu…

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Africa forest dwellers

COVID-19-led ban on wild meat could take protein off the table for millions of forest dwellers

COVID-19-led ban on wild meat could take protein off the table for millions of forest dwellers &#821…

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trophy hunting

The IUCN and trophy hunting – a response to the “ethics” attack on hunting

A response in African Sustainable Conservation News dated October 9, 2019 to a published piece on th…

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The Dangers of Extrapolation – Hunting Revenues and Local Communities – CIC. 10-2019

Extract:  The term ‘fake news’ has become popularized over the last few years. The term refers to in…

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UK wildlife report

Populations of UK’s most important wildlife have plummeted since 1970 – The Guardian. Author: Damian Carrington. 10.2019

Extract: Populations of UK’s most important wildlife have plummeted by an average of 60% since 1970.…

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african conservationists

Transforming African conservation from old social cause into next-gen growth market

On the surface it would seem that time is running short for African wildlife, but one Ghanaian entre…

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wildlife trade

Global wildlife trade higher than thought

Extract: In an article on October 7, 2019, BBC science and environment writer Helen Briggs reported …

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Antique dealers, ivory and a ‘fantastic day for elephants’

Summary: In November, 2019 The Guardian reported that antique dealers had failed in an attempt to ov…

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