News and Resources


News, opinion pieces and statements authored by Resource Africa, Community Leaders Network members, and guest contributors, from whom we welcome hosts fresh ideas and new perspectives on topical issues in conservation, rights, and development in Southern Africa.

The views in the guest author posts are the authors’ own and do not necessarily represent those of Resource Africa

If you have a perspective on a topical issue and would like to contribute an opinion piece, please refer our blog guidelines, and contact us.

The African Commission on Human and People’s Rights supports community-based natural resource management principles in historic resolution

The African Commission on Human and People’s Rights supports community-based natural resource management principles in historic resolution

The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights supports community-based natural resource …

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community conservation

Why African community conservation is here to stay

Why African community conservation is here to stay Local communities find themselves in the middle o…

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The first Africa Protected Areas Congress (APAC) must put community land rights at the centre of its agenda.

To conserve Africa’s biodiversity, its leaders must rethink protected areas The first Africa Protect…

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biocultural rights

How Biocultural Rights to Rooibos Opens the Way for Equitable Access and Benefit Sharing in Southern Africa

How Biocultural Rights to Rooibos Opens the Way for Equitable Access and Benefit Sharing in Southern…

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biocultural rights

Biocultural Rights, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

Biocultural Rights, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Protecting Culture and the Environment …

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hunting trophies

‘It’s neocolonialism’: campaign to ban UK imports of hunting trophies condemned by African delegation

‘It’s neocolonialism’: campaign to ban UK imports of hunting trophies condemned by African delegatio…

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Calls for compensation intensify as elephant-wildlife conflict increases in Zimbabwe

Calls for compensation intensify as elephant-wildlife conflict increases in Zimbabwe

Villagers in lethal fights with elephants as HWC deaths reach terrible new milestone Calls for compe…

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ivory ban

Is ethical ivory trade possible? A debate on Al Jazeera.

Is ethical trophy hunting possible? International television news channel Al Jazeera aired a video d…

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CAMPAIGN AGAINST ANTI-HUNTING LEGISLATION An initiative to protect the rights and livelihoods of Afr…

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Monitoring and Evaluation Intern – Resource Africa South Africa

Monitoring and Evaluation Intern – Resource Africa South Africa

Monitoring and Evaluation Intern – Resource Africa South Africa ResourceAfrica South Africa (RA-SA) …

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