News and Resources


News, opinion pieces and statements authored by Resource Africa, Community Leaders Network members, and guest contributors, from whom we welcome hosts fresh ideas and new perspectives on topical issues in conservation, rights, and development in Southern Africa.

The views in the guest author posts are the authors’ own and do not necessarily represent those of Resource Africa

If you have a perspective on a topical issue and would like to contribute an opinion piece, please refer our blog guidelines, and contact us.

UN Convention on Biological Diversity

A New Global Framework for Managing Nature Through 2030: 1st Detailed Draft Agreement Debuts

Press Release: A New Global Framework for Managing Nature Through 2030: 1st Detailed Draft Agreement…

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Flying elephants to Africa would be foolish meddling – The Times July 9 by Graham Boynton

Flying elephants to Africa would be foolish meddling. by Graham Boynton The Times July 9, 2021 In an…

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Communities lash out at Born Free Foundation – The Namibian Sun

Communities lash out at Born Free Foundation – The Namibian Sun

Communities lash out at Born Free Foundation – The Namibian Sun The Namibian Sun reports on th…

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Pandemic prevention should not victimise Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

Pandemic prevention should not victimise Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

Pandemic prevention should not victimise Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities In a new paper pub…

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Mongabay: Reckoning with elitism and racism in conservation Q&A with Colleen Beg

Mongabay: Reckoning with elitism and racism in conservation Q&A with Colleen Beg

Reckoning with elitism and racism in conservation From – Rhett A Butler in conver…

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Press Release: UK Charity raises funds at expense of Africans

Press Release: UK Charity raises funds at expense of Africans

Press Release: UK Charity raises funds at expense of Africans 28.6.2021: For Immediate Release from …

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Dr Kenneth Kaunda

Dr Kenneth David Kaunda <br> 1924 – 2021

Dr Kenneth David Kaunda 1924 – 2021 The first president of the Republic of Zambia, His Excellency Dr…

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World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought <br> — 2021

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought <br> — 2021

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought. Restoration. Land. Recovery. Today, June 17 2021 is…

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Is the notion of sustainable use of biodiversity  a legal principle of international law?

Is the notion of sustainable use of biodiversity  a legal principle of international law?

Is the notion of sustainable use of biodiversity a legal principle of international law? by Prof Ade…

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Endangered: Small scale fishermen and the African penguin?

Endangered: Small scale fishermen and the African penguin?

The 2021 theme for World Oceans Day is The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods. With marine resources especi…

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