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Decolonise Conservation

Both green colonialism and climate injustice centre around these oppositions: the global west versus the global south, the developed versus the developing, white populations versus populations of colour. Ultimately, an end to green colonialism, like colonialism itself, will require concerted local will and a rising global consciousness.

Resource Africa logo, alongside the AWEI logo from Stellenbosch University.

Proposed United Kingdom Trophy Hunting Import Ban Threatens African Conservation Success, Ignores International Agreements

The proposed UK trophy hunting import ban threatens Africa’s wildlife conservation achievements and overlooks crucial international agreements, according to Resource Africa. Experts warn that such policies, shaped by misconceptions, could undermine the economic and conservation successes of African communities, prompting a call for a unified response from Southern African governments.

White Paper

MEDIA RELEASE: Animal protectionists trying to undermine the South African Constitution by influencing key government White Paper

MEDIA RELEASE: Animal protectionists trying to undermine the South African Constitution by influencing key government White Paper 21 September 2022 For Immediate Release Animal protectionists… Read More »MEDIA RELEASE: Animal protectionists trying to undermine the South African Constitution by influencing key government White Paper


It’s time to center African people in the conservation agenda – Mongabay Commentary

The African Protected Areas Congress (APAC) marks a pivotal shift towards an African-driven approach in biodiversity conservation, emphasizing community well-being and economic development. As the first of its kind, APAC opens the door for a unified African voice in global conservation discussions, challenging outdated fortress conservation models and reclaiming the stewardship of the continent’s natural resources.