celebrity campaigns

Press Release: Celebrity campaigns undermine human rights and conservation

"Local people’s rights to make a living by sustainably using their land and wildlife are enshrined in international and national laws, and cannot be undermined by one-sided views. They are not up for debate"                                                                                             WEDNESDAY 15 JULY 2020 CELEBRITY CAMPAIGNS...
Resource Africa CBNRM

Open Letter: Celebrity campaigns undermine successful conservation and human rights

Over fifty community leaders, representing millions of people across southern Africa, urge UK-based celebrities to stop using their influence to undermine the human rights of impoverished people and jeopardise wildlife conservation in the region. 14 July 2020 Dear Ricky Gervais, Joanna Lumley, Peter Egan, Ed Sheeran, Dame Judi Dench and Piers Morgan OPEN LETTER: Celebrity campaigns undermine...
non-consumptive tourism

Consumptive vs. non-consumptive tourism – NAPHA. Denker 2019-04

The author, Hagen Denker, in an article that appeared on the NAPHA (Namibia Professional Hunters Association) website and its social media pages in 2019 observes "it is often claimed that “non-consumptive” tourism has a low impact and low carbon footprint on the natural environment.", he asks the question: "But what does this actually mean? And how does this compare to “consumptive”...
community based tourism

Looking beyond hunting and tourism for community benefits – Luc Hoffman Institute. Author: Melissa de Kock. 10.2019

In her 'thought piece' entitled Looking beyond hunting and tourism for community benefits published in October 2019  by Luc Hoffman Institute, Melissa de Kock (WWF-Norway, Senior Advisor: Conservation, Climate and Communities) states that for community based conservation to evolve beyond the existing models based on tourism and hunting, initiatives such as those taken up jointly by Luc...
trophy hunting

The IUCN and trophy hunting – a response to the “ethics” attack on hunting

A response in African Sustainable Conservation News dated October 9, 2019 to a published piece on the IUCN website on September 27, 2020 - “Compatibility of Trophy Hunting as a Form of Sustainable Use with IUCN's Objectives - describes it as a "disingenuous portrayal of IUCN objectives and regulations. The authors’ bias is exposed by the complete misuse of “Ethics” as a premise, incorrect...

The Dangers of Extrapolation – Hunting Revenues and Local Communities – CIC. 10-2019

Extract:  The term ‘fake news’ has become popularized over the last few years. The term refers to information, usually presented as ‘news’ that has no basis in fact but is presented as being factually accurate in a deliberate attempt to spread misinformation for propaganda purposes. Hunting is often on the receiving end of this approach to ‘news’. It is increasingly evident that this...
sustainable use

Sustainable use in the Greater Kruger

The blog, written by Lindie Botha and entitled Sustainable Use in the Greater Kruger, with the tagline Publics, parliaments and lots of drama*, appeared in Timbavati Guest Blogger Series: The Conservation Conversation. It's about how the debate around sustainable use is framed rather than some kind of consensus definition of sustainable use as a development model. Extract: It’s been a busy...
black rhino

US allows the import of a black rhino trophy hunted in Namibia

Summary:  Associated Press reported in September, 2019 that the Trump administration would issue a permit to a Michigan trophy hunter to import the skin, skull and horns from a rare black rhinoceros he shot in Africa. Chris D. Peyerk applied last year for the permit required by the Fish and Wildlife Service to import animals protected under the Endangered Species Act.  He paid $400,000 to an...

Zambia NCRBA calls for suspension of trophy hunting until communities receive funds owed

Published in Africa Geographic September 26, 2019. Read the article here Summary: Africa Geographic reports that The Zambia National Community Resources Board Association (ZNCRBA) has called for the immediate suspension of trophy hunting in all hunting blocks until the government releases all funds owed to communities through the individual Community Resource Boards (CRBs). The CRBs have now...
CITES rhinos

South Africa’s proposal to CITES on White and Black Rhino

  Summary: The South African Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, Barbara Creecy, requested public comment of a scientific nature on her proposal to: 1. Enable the international trade in white rhino horn by down-listing the white rhino on CITES. 2. Increase the annual quota of black rhinos for trophy hunting in South Africa, from the current five males to an unspecified number....