rural communities

Hand-to-Mouth Options for Rural Communities do not Guarantee Long-term Conservation of Biodiversity

Hand-to-Mouth Options for Rural Communities do not Guarantee Long-term Conservation of Biodiversity By Emmanuel Siakilo and Taye Teferi, African CSOs Biodiversity Alliance Legal sustainable wildlife use and trade enhances the survival of traditional knowledge and culture and returns equitable benefits from nature conservation to local communities. When empowered, community benefits derived from...
community conservation

Why African community conservation is here to stay

Why African community conservation is here to stay Local communities find themselves in the middle of a tug-of-war between two distinct schools of thought. On the one side, the sustainable use of resources is supported by policies and legislation of several southern African countries, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, among other...

The first Africa Protected Areas Congress (APAC) must put community land rights at the centre of its agenda.

To conserve Africa’s biodiversity, its leaders must rethink protected areas The first Africa Protected Areas Congress (APAC), scheduled for 18-23 July, must put community land rights at the centre of its agenda By Dr Kendi Borona Rights and Resources Group  As the date for the first Africa Protected Areas Congress (APAC), 18-23 July, draws near, conservation professional Kendi Borona...
hunting trophies

‘It’s neocolonialism’: campaign to ban UK imports of hunting trophies condemned by African delegation

‘It’s neocolonialism’: campaign to ban UK imports of hunting trophies condemned by African delegation Former colonial powers seeking to pass laws that threaten the rights and livelihoods of rural African communities and their wildlife, need to consider this impact and hear what Africans have to say about it first.That’s the message that a delegation from the Community Leaders Network of...
Khoi and San

Resource Africa and the San and Khoi southern African community: the fight for justice, recognition, and sustainability

Resource Africa and the San and Khoi South African Community: the fight for justice, recognition, and sustainability We share a blog researched and based on an interview with RASA CEO Lesle Jansen by Incominbios' staff writer Lianna Tosett Resource Africa South Africa CEO Leslé Jansen has been an intrinsic player in aiding and centralising the struggles faced by the San and Khoi local...
Copyright: Hein Waschefort

Reconsidering the economic relevance of recreational hunting

Reconsidering the economic relevance of recreational hunting Hunting wild animals is an integral part of African history and culture. Today, many people continue to hunt wildlife for complex reasons that range from subsistence to recreation. In recent years animal protection groups have become increasingly critical of hunting and especially the most financially lucrative form of it: selling...

African and Community Voices were heard at UNEA 5

African and Community Voices were heard at UNEA 5 RAUK and CLN participated in the 5th meeting of the United Nations Environmental Assembly held in Nairobi, Kenya from 28 February to 2 March 2022, and UNEP's 50th anniversary on the 3rd and  4th March. The purpose of this participation is to ensure that due recognition is given to the rights and...

Celebrating Resolution 489 of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights

Celebrating Resolution 489 of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (AHCR) called on African states and non-state actors to recognise and support these communities as they exercise these rights in Resolution 489. Resource Africa and the Community Leaders Network of Southern Africa (CLN) are celebrating the adoption of...
Op Ed

Can a global conservation fund bridge the gap between global finance and the realities for indigenous communities? Daily Maverick Op Ed

Can a global conservation fund bridge the gap between global finance and the realities for indigenous communities? A Daily Maverick Hunting OP-ED responds to the proposition that foreign aid can be a viable alternative to sustainable use An Op-Ed response in The Daily Maverick seeks to draw attention to the many problems with the assumptions contained the opinion piece (31 January 2022)...

UK trophy hunting import ban not supported by rural Africans – Mongabay Commentary

UK trophy hunting import ban not supported by rural Africans - Mongabay While a UK bill to ban the import of hunting trophies enjoys popular support there, rural Africans directly affected by such decisions are voicing opposition. In an article submitted as a Commentary piece by community conservation practitioners and professionals in Namibia and published in Mongabay on February 11, 2022, the...