climate change Africa

Climate change means hunger in our communities, African women leaders at COP26 – Mongabay

Climate change means hunger in our communities, COP26 African delegates say. Africa is acutely vulnerable to climate change despite accounting for only four per cent of global emissions. The climate talks have come under scrutiny for poor representation from African nations, some of the most vulnerable to climate impacts. As COP26 which closed this week in Glasgow, Mongabay reports...

CBD: RA represented at the Parallel NGO Forum in Kunming.

CBD: RA represented at the Parallel NGO Forum in Kunming The Conventional on Biological Diversity (CBD) NGO Parallel Forum in Kunming was held in September 27 - 28. This was a unique opportunity for NGOs such as Resource Africa to join with the African CSOs Biodiversity Alliance (ACBA) to participate in the 2-day forum that was held virtually.  Fred Kwame Kumah of ACBA gave 2-minute statement...

Community Leaders Network formalised

Founder members of the Community Leaders Network of Southern Africa (CLN) met in Namibia’s capital city, Windhoek at Avani Hotels from 18-22 October to formalise the network. The five-day workshop brought together representatives of local communities involved in Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) from Zambia, Namibia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Botswana, and Mozambique, as...
Nagoya Protocol

Sustainable use of Wildlife: It’s the Law!

Sustainable Use of Wildlife: It’s The Law! Webinar - The Nagoya Protocol and the Rights of Local Communities Resource Africa (RA) recently launched a policy position paper entitled Indigenous Flora and Fauna, African Resources for African People, wherein we argued for the inclusion of the sustainable use of wildlife into the UN Convention of Biological Diversity’s (CBD) Nagoya Protocol....
rights based approach

Rights-based approaches are a powerful way of promoting equitable governance: IIED Natural Resources Group

Rights-based approaches are a powerful way of promoting equitable governance IIED Natural Resources Group IIED Briefing September 2021: The post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) currently being negotiated seeks to transform society’s relationship with biodiversity, including a much bigger role for protected and conserved areas (PCAs). This briefing demonstrates that transformative...

IUCN WCC 3-11 September 2021: Transformative Change for Nature and People

IUCN WCC 3-11 September 2021: Transformative Change for Nature and People Resource Africa and the Community Leaders Network of Southern Africa will be represented at the Congress by delegates from both organizations. Resource Africa and the Community Leaders Network of Southern Africa will be represented at the Congress by delegates from both organizations.Mission: to create awareness of the CLN...
Naledi Harvest Festival

“Building Communities in which none shall go hungry” Naledi harvest festival and local co-operatives’ dialogue

The Naledi harvest festival and local co-operatives’ dialogue It Begins with the Land - Building Communities where None Shall Go Hungry In this documentary, directors Jane Thandi Lipman and Sifiso Khanyile and producers Adi & Rashmi MistryFrost share the story of the Naledi Farming Co-operative. This is a story of hope. After 70 years of forced removals, the people of the Free State...

Conservation in the Mahenye Royal Household – the Birth of CAMPFIRE in Zimbabwe

Conservation in the Mahenye Royal Household – the birth of CAMPFIRE in Zimbabwe by Liberty Chauke I was seated listening to the melodious and whistling sounds of birds in the forest. Memories of childhood popped in and took me down memory lane. I grew up in the most respected royal family in Zimbabwe. My grandfather had many wives, who interacted with us during the night by telling us stories...
biocultural rights

Indigenous Rooibos tea farmers seek a fairer deal

South Africa's indigenous rooibos tea farmers seek a fairer deal - Financial Times report by Joseph Cotterill Financial Times July 27, 2021 In an article published on July 27, Financial Times correspondent, Joseph Cotterill reports on one of the Khoi and San communities in South Africa's Cedarberg mountain region where the rooibos tea plant occurs in the wild.  In 2019, the community - the...

Pandemic prevention should not victimise Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

Pandemic prevention should not victimise Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities In a new paper published by Conservation Letters, authors Jason M. Tylianakis, Mark R. Herse, Sanna Malinennd, and  Phil O’B. Lyver lay out how wildlife consumption bans would inflict economic and cultural harms on already marginalised people. "During times of crisis, such as the present COVID pandemic,...