CBD virtual session under the theme "Biodiversity, One Health and responses to COVID19

CLN AND RA Statement presented at CBD Virtual Session on Biodiversity, One Health and COVID-19

Statement by Community Leaders Network and Resource Africa The statement was submitted at the CBD Virtual Session: Biodiversity, One Health and responses to COVID19 15-16 December 2O2O Community Leaders Network members and Resource Africa who are participating in the  15-16 December CBD virtual session under the theme "Biodiversity, One Health and responses to COVID19" will today present the...

Book Review: Western Celebration of African Poverty by Emmanuel Koro

https://resourceafrica.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Lapointe-2020-01-01-Book-Review.-Western-celebration-of-African-poverty-Koro.pdf An interview with the author, Emmanuel Koro, about why he wrote the book “Western Celebration of African Poverty" which carries a forward by Mr Eugene Lapointe, who writes of the book: (Western Celebration of African Poverty) has something for everyone who...
human rights

Conservation must begin with respecting human rights

Conservation must begin with respecting human rights Human Rights Day exposes long road ahead for local community rights. On International Human Rights Day, we celebrate Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities. At long last the world is increasingly hearing their voices, acknowledging their rights to sustainably manage their resources, and respecting their ecological knowledge. But despite...
Resource Africa our work

Letter to The Times from Resource Africa

Letter to The Times from Resource Africa In response to The Times editorial (“Blood Money”, 7 December), Resource Africa has submitted a response to the Letters Page which, amongst other observations, states:"You correctly warn that insidious misinformation can influence vital upcoming policy decisions. In this case, those decisions will have important consequences for the lives of millions...
World Wildlife Day

UN World Wildlife Day 2021 (3 March) as “Forests and livelihoods: sustaining people and planet” 

“Forests and livelihoods: sustaining people and planet” announced as theme of World Wildlife Day 2021 Geneva, 23 November 2020 - The Secretariat of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) announced today the theme of United Nations World Wildlife Day 2021: “Forests and livelihoods: sustaining people and planet”. Covering nearly a third...
African conservation

Bold leadership required for conservation in Southern Africa

Bold leadership required for conservation in Southern Africa by Steve Johnson​ How long must this go on! Those involved in community-based natural resources management or CBNRM, have continued their mantra of the need for devolution of rights over land and natural resources for more than 30 years, with no change! It seems like we are going nowhere despite all our efforts in this direction. Way...