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sustainable use

African countries unite in asking for a new model for conservation. Communities living with wildlife demand they be the rightful owners – The Independent. Author: Antoaneta Roussi 2019-06

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Roussi 2019-06-30 Communities living with wildlife demand they be the rightful owners _ The Independent (1)”]

SCI Applauds USFWS On Approval of Black Rhino Permit 2019-09

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”SCI 2019-09-09 Applauds USFWS and Trump Administration On Approval of Black Rhino Permit _ Safari Club (1)”]

sustainable use

Sustainable Use: A Selection of Research Papers and Reports 2019

Resource Africa is a key repository for and a ‘go to’ resource portal for information on regional CBRNM and sustainable use information. In collaboration with partner organizations, such as  The Community-Based Natural Resource Management  Network our website serves as an open access archive of current relevant published materials that affect CBNRM globally.
Go to links to read these publications in their original form.