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Khama to host international conference on poaching and human wildlife conflict

human wildlife conflict

In a Press Release dated February 3, 2020 and published in Botswana’s newspaper The Parrot Online:

“Botswana’s former President, His Excellency Dr. Seretse Khama Ian Khama announced plans in March, 2020 to host an international conference to examine and share methods to mitigate human wildlife conflict and strategies to combat poaching in Africa. General Khama, an avid conservation enthusiast is renowned for his stellar work in wildlife protection.”

The Press Release continues:

“In 1989 he founded Khama Rhino Sanctuary, and in the 1990’s as then head of the Botswana Defence Force, was part of an anti-poaching unit that assisted in the battle against poaching. So successful was this unit that it was the subject of a successful National Geographic Documentary titled Wildlife Warriors. Human wildlife conflict (HWC) is a serious threat to the survival of many endangered species and the sustainability of community livelihoods. It occurs when animals pose a direct and recurring threat to the livelihood or safety of people, leading to the persecution of that species.”

“The conference to be held in Kasane will thus bring together delegates from 20 countries and a visit to the local communities. The conference will discuss best practices from countries that have implemented successful measures and discuss futuristic solutions to poaching.”

See the full Press Release here,

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